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Data Logger Bundle with Uno R3 – Logging Your Environment
Data Logger Bundle with Uno R3 – Logging Your Environment
One of the most common uses for microcontrollers is for interfacing to various sensors to monitor the world around you. With an Arduino board you can read the value from a temperature sensor and output it to a computer in a matter of minutes. But what if your Arduino and sensor needs to be remotely located and it isn’t practical for it to be tethered to a computer? One solution is to use a data logger.
We've put together two bundles to accompany our blog post “Logging Your Environment with an Arduino and a Data Logger Shield”, which you can view here.
The bundle is available with (HCKITS0036) or without (HCKITS0035) an Uno.
This kit comprises the following items:
Data Logger Shield
LM35 Temperature Sensor
SD Card
Male to Female Dupont Cable
(HCKITS0036 also includes a Hobby Components R3 Uno).