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99,00 €
Tasse incluse

TDC7201-ZAX-EVM - 

Scheda di valutazione, TDC7201 Convertitore tempo-digitale, misurazione del tempo di volo (ToF)


The TDC7201-ZAX-EVM is an ultra measurement range time-to-digital converter evaluation module. This evaluation module allows users to test and evaluate the TDC7201 time-to-digital converter. The TDC7201 can be used for accurate time measurements in LIDAR applications. The EVM is a BoosterPack plug-in module for the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad. The TDC7201-ZAX-EVM has two pairs of SMA connectors for the START and STOP inputs. The EVM comes with a user-friendly Graphic User Interface (GUI) to modify the registers, display time of flight and export data in CSV format.
  • EVM connects with MSP430 LaunchPad (MSP-EXP430F5529LP)
  • User friendly GUI for quick evaluation and data capture
  • SMA connectors for START and STOP inputs
  • Powered by MSP430 LaunchPad USB interface


Progettazione Embedded e Sviluppo

Note a piè di pagina

MSP430 LaunchPad has to be ordered separately and is not part of the TDC7201-ZAX-EVM.

Documenti tecnici
