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Speaker for micro:bit

12,08 €
Tasse incluse

Speaker for micro:bit


The MonkMakes Speaker for micro:bit is a neat little amplified speaker that connects to your micro:bit using alligator clips.


  • Amplified output
  • LED ‘power on’ indicator
  • Reverse polarity protection

Getting Started

Connecting to your micro:bit

Connect the Speaker to the micro:bit as shown below. When attaching the alligator clips to the micro:bit, make sure that the clips are perpendicular to the board so that they are not touching any of the neighbouring connectors on the micro:Bit edge connector.


HEX File

The quickest way to try out your speaker is to DOWNLOAD THIS HEX FILE and then copy it onto your micro:bit. Press Button A to hear a tune being played.

JavaScript Blocks Editor

Visit the Blocks Editor in your browser and then from the input section add an on button A pressed block then from the music section add a start melody block and select the tune you want to play (in this case, entertainer).


Click Download and then copy the file onto your micro:bit.

You can also open the project in the Blocks Editor by clicking on the image below.


You can also make a simple musical instrument, using this tutorial:


Paste the following code into the Python window and then Download the file and copy it onto your your micro:bit

from microbit import *
import music

while True:
if button_a.was_pressed():

When you press button A you will hear the tune “The Entertainer” play through the speaker.
