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Standalone 5-Pad Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - AT42QT1070

7,90 €
Tasse incluse

Standalone 5-Pad Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - AT42QT1070

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Questa breakout board e' la via piu' facile per creare un progetto con molteplici capacitive touch sensor. Nessun microcontroller richiesto,solo un alimentazione tra 1.8 e 5.5 VDC.

Quando il touch sensor si attiva,il corrispondente led si illuminera' e l'output del pin andra' in low.
Puo' essere percepito solo un contatto per volta.
acquistando questo prodotto vi arrivera' una scheda totalmente assemblata e degli header per poterla collegare in una breadboard.
Note that only one contact will be detected at once (this is to protect against having a hand brush against two or more contacts at once.

The datasheet has many details on sensitivity, power usage, etc. - note that this board uses the chip in 'standalone' mode only, it cannot be used in I2C mode.
1 Articolo